Source code for sliceplots.one_dimensional

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Module containing useful 1D plotting abstractions on top of matplotlib."""

import numpy as np
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize

from sliceplots.util import _idx_from_val, _make_ax

[docs]def plot_multicolored_line( *, ax=None, x, y, other_y, cmap="viridis", vmin=None, vmax=None, linewidth=2, alpha=1 ): r"""Plots a line colored based on the values of another array. Plots the curve ``y(x)``, colored based on the values in ``other_y``. Parameters ---------- ax : :py:class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axes instance, for plotting, defaults to ``None``. If ``None``, a new :py:class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` will be created. y : 1d array_like The dependent variable. x : 1d array_like The independent variable. other_y: 1d array_like The values whose magnitude will be converted to colors. cmap : str, optional The used colormap (defaults to "viridis"). vmin : float, optional Lower normalization limit vmax : float, optional Upper normalization limit linewidth : float, optional (default 2) Width of the plotted line alpha : float, optional (default 1) Line transparency, between 0 and 1 Returns ------- ax, line : Axes, LineCollection Main Axes and plotted line Raises ------ AssertionError If the length of `y` and `other_y` do not match. References ---------- ``matplotlib`` `example <>`_. Examples -------- We plot a curve and color it based on the value of its first derivative. .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot from sliceplots import plot_multicolored_line x = np.linspace(0, 3 * np.pi, 500) y = np.sin(x) dydx = np.gradient(y) * 100 # first derivative _, ax = pyplot.subplots() plot_multicolored_line(ax=ax, x=x, y=y, other_y=dydx) ax.set(ylabel="y", xlabel="x") """ if not (len(y) == len(other_y)): raise AssertionError("The two 'y' arrays must have the same size!") ax = ax or _make_ax() # Create a set of line segments so that we can color them individually # This creates the points as a N x 1 x 2 array so that we can stack points # together easily to get the segments. The segments array for line collection # needs to be (numlines) x (points per line) x 2 (for x and y) points = np.array([x, y]).T.reshape(-1, 1, 2) segments = np.concatenate([points[:-1], points[1:]], axis=1) if vmin is None: vmin = np.min(other_y) if vmax is None: vmax = np.max(other_y) # Create a continuous norm to map from data points to colors norm = Normalize(vmin, vmax) lc = LineCollection(segments, cmap=cmap, norm=norm) # Set the values used for colormapping lc.set_array(other_y) lc.set_linewidth(linewidth) lc.set_alpha(alpha) line = ax.add_collection(lc) return ax, line
[docs]def plot1d_break_x(*, ax=None, h_axis, v_axis, param, slice_opts): r"""Line plot with a broken x-axis. Parameters ---------- ax : :py:class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axes instance, for plotting. If ``None``, a new :py:class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` will be created. Defaults to ``None``. h_axis : 1d array_like x-axis data. v_axis : 1d array_like y-axis data. param : dict Axes limits and labels. slice_opts : dict Options for plotted line. Returns ------- ax_left, ax_right : tuple of Axes Left and right Axes of the split plot. Examples -------- .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot from sliceplots import plot1d_break_x uu = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 128) data = np.cos(uu - 0.5) * np.cos(uu.reshape(-1, 1) - 1.0) _, ax = pyplot.subplots() plot1d_break_x( ax=ax, h_axis=uu, v_axis=data[data.shape[0] // 2, :], param={ "xlim_left": (0, 1), "xlim_right": (2, 3), "xlabel": r"$x$ ($\mu$m)", "ylabel": r"$\rho$ (cm${}^{-3}$)", }, slice_opts={"ls": "--", "color": "#d62728"}) """ ax_left = ax or _make_ax() divider = make_axes_locatable(ax_left) ax_right = divider.new_horizontal(size="100%", pad=1) ax_left.figure.add_axes(ax_right) ax_left.plot(h_axis, v_axis, **slice_opts) ax_left.set_ylabel(param["ylabel"]) ax_left.set_xlabel(param["xlabel"]) ax_left.set_xlim(*param["xlim_left"]) ax_left.spines["right"].set_visible(False) ax_left.yaxis.set_ticks_position("left") ax_right.plot(h_axis, v_axis, **slice_opts) ax_right.set_ylabel(param["ylabel"]) ax_right.set_xlabel(param["xlabel"]) ax_right.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax_right.set_xlim(*param["xlim_right"]) ax_right.spines["left"].set_visible(False) ax_right.yaxis.set_ticks_position("right") # From d = 0.015 # how big to make the diagonal lines in axes coordinates # arguments to pass plot, just so we don't keep repeating them kwargs = dict(transform=ax_left.transAxes, color="k", clip_on=False) ax_left.plot((1 - d, 1 + d), (-d, +d), **kwargs) ax_left.plot((1 - d, 1 + d), (1 - d, 1 + d), **kwargs) kwargs.update(transform=ax_right.transAxes) # switch to the right axes ax_right.plot((-d, +d), (1 - d, 1 + d), **kwargs) ax_right.plot((-d, +d), (-d, +d), **kwargs) return ax_left, ax_right
[docs]def plot1d(*, ax=None, h_axis, v_axis, xlabel=r"", ylabel=r"", **kwargs): r"""Plot the data with given labels and plot options. Parameters ---------- ax : class:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional Axes instance, for plotting. If ``None``, a new :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` will be created. Defaults to ``None``. h_axis : :py:class:`np.ndarray` x-axis data. v_axis : :py:class:`np.ndarray` y-axis data. xlabel : str, optional x-axis label. ylabel : str, optional y-axis label. kwargs : dict, optional Other arguments for :meth:`~matplotlib.axes.Axes.plot`. Returns ------- ax : Axes Modified Axes, containing plot. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> uu = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 128) >>> data = np.cos(uu - 0.5) * np.cos(uu.reshape(-1, 1) - 1.0) >>> plot1d( ... h_axis=uu, ... v_axis=data[data.shape[0] // 2, :], ... xlabel=r"$z$ ($\mu$m)", ... ylabel=r"$a_0$", ... xlim=[0, 3], ... ylim=[-1, 1], ... color="#d62728", ... ) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS <Axes: xlabel='$z$ ($\\mu$m)', ylabel='$a_0$'> """ xlim = kwargs.pop("xlim", [np.min(h_axis), np.max(h_axis)]) ylim = kwargs.pop("ylim", [np.min(v_axis), np.max(v_axis)]) # xmin_idx, xmax_idx = ( _idx_from_val(h_axis, xlim[0]), _idx_from_val(h_axis, xlim[1]), ) # h_axis = h_axis[xmin_idx:xmax_idx] data = v_axis[xmin_idx:xmax_idx] # label = {"x": xlabel, "y": ylabel} text = kwargs.pop("text", "") # ax = ax or _make_ax() ax.plot(h_axis, data, **kwargs) ax.set( xlim=[h_axis[0], h_axis[-1]], ylim=ylim, ylabel=label["y"], xlabel=label["x"] ) ax.text(0.02, 0.95, text, transform=ax.transAxes, color="firebrick") return ax